APX IT Services and Consultancy Experience Innovation.
• APX IT Services and Consultancy is a technology solutions company specializing in enterprise information system. Our business activity includes delivering solutions for system integration, business continuity, cybersecurity, hardware and software management.
• Backed by more than 15 years of experience and expertise, its founder is a former head of IT for a global company and mainly responsible for the development of IT initiatives in Vietnam, India and the Philippines. • Our commitment is to provide complete quality and innovative IT solutions and services.
Defender for Office 365 Plan 2 offers everything in Plan 1 plus advanced cyberthreat hunting, automation, cyberattack simulation training, and cross-domain XDR capabilities.
For student use only. Not for commercial use of any kind.
Reseller might require the student to submit a current ID as proof of validity.
WESELLIT reserves the right to cancel this order with applicable fees if purchaser is not a valid student